Louth EnglishSep 1October Courses Open in our New Classrooms!October courses are now open to book in our new classrooms at Scoil Eoin Baiste! Take a sneak peak inside!
Louth EnglishAug 29, 2023Newest Available Classes at Louth English!All of our newest classes are available to book now! Both online and face to face. See below for a list of all the best courses! Contact:...
Louth EnglishAug 1, 2023Our August Classes are off to a Great Start!Speak English with Confidence! There are still places remaining for our Full and part time courses from 14th August. Study in the...
Louth EnglishAug 18, 20225th September 2022! New Courses StartingSpeak English with Confidence! Full and part time courses from 5th September are now available to book. Study in the evenings or come to...
Louth EnglishFeb 17, 2022⭐Full Time English Courses Starting on the 7th March⭐Our Full Time English courses are kicking off on the 7th March! There are still 3️⃣ places left to book! https://www.louthenglish.ie/full...